What is Conscious Living?

What is Conscious Living?

Conscious living, a concept people may interchange with terms like mindfulness and intentional living, resonates deeply with me. It’s a philosophy and way of life that I’ve come to embrace with an open heart, one that emphasizes awareness, presence, and...
Being True to Yourself in Your Relationships

Being True to Yourself in Your Relationships

Have you felt the energy around your relationships lately? Maybe things have been easy or maybe you feel like a lot is coming up around them. What can you do if you feel there has been more turmoil around your relationships and what is the thing you can take away from...
Open Your Heart

Open Your Heart

Last night as I drifted off to sleep I thought of my soul session I had earlier in the day. That session was heavy on healing and opening my heart. Something that can be really dang hard to do because if you open your heart you leave yourself vulnerable and...
You Can And You Will

You Can And You Will

There are things I said a year ago that I couldn’t do because I didn’t have the time and it would just be another thing in my already crazy schedule, I don’t have the funds, or I shouldn’t spend money on that. You get the idea. When in reality,...