I was Interviewed by the MysticMag!

I was Interviewed by the MysticMag!

This is my second interview I have ever done with a magazine, and so when this popped into my inbox I was filled with gratitude to be able to have another opportunity present itself. In the article, the questions just lit my soul up, because I was like yes the...
Introducing – The Women’s Healing Circle

Introducing – The Women’s Healing Circle

If you haven’t been watching my social media, I am excited to say that myself and my beautiful soul sister, Toni, are hosting a women’s healing circle this Thursday, November 9th. The Healing Circle is a safe space for you to share anything that is going...
Effects of Fear on our Health & Ways to Manage Fear

Effects of Fear on our Health & Ways to Manage Fear

Fear by definition means a feeling of anxiety or an unpleasant emotion concerning the outcome of something or the safety and well-being of someone. Why are we talking about fear this week? I have been seeing so much fear in our world, the people around me, and within...
The Energetic Body, Exchange & It’s Link to Your Health

The Energetic Body, Exchange & It’s Link to Your Health

The concept of the energetic body is often associated with various forms of alternative & holistic practices. Just like your nervous system the human body has an energetic nervous system that plays a vital role in one’s health and well-being. This energy...
Living as a Conscious Minded Parent

Living as a Conscious Minded Parent

In the last article, I introduced conscious living and the key principles that drive that lifestyle and the benefits to you. But if you’re like me, there are little people in your life too that you need to be aware of. How can being conscious minded help you with...