The Holidays’ and Eating

The Holidays’ and Eating

Christmas is next week already! Wow where did 2019 go?? If your calendar looks anything like mine it is just full of different events: family Christmas parties, work parties or luncheons, travel, cookie and candy baking, and so much more. So how do we manage through...
MTHFR – Curse Word Or What?

MTHFR – Curse Word Or What?

If you’ve never heard of MTHFR you are probably looking at it going what kind of shortened version of a curse word is that? It’s actually not a curse word at all but stands for methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, which plays a key role in many of our...
Gut Health And Your Baby

Gut Health And Your Baby

Did you know that your gut health is already being blue printed while you are in the womb developing and that the first two years of your life are the most critical when it comes to the health of your gut? The scientists’ in the documentary by Jonathan Otto:...
Leaky Gut & Your Gut Microbiome

Leaky Gut & Your Gut Microbiome

The spotlight is increasing more on the topic of leaky gut and let me tell you, I had one LEAKY gut! When I began my journey on the holistic side of things, I started cleaning up my diet and taking some supplements, greens and aloe (check it out here) to work on my...
2019’s Dirty Dozen List

2019’s Dirty Dozen List

Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) releases a list of 12 fruits and/or vegetables that are the dirtiest when it comes to pesticide residue on them. This is important to know because if you are unable to buy all of your fruits or veggies organic then you...