The Energetic Body, Exchange & It’s Link to Your Health

9 · 27 · 23

The concept of the energetic body is often associated with various forms of alternative & holistic practices. Just like your nervous system the human body has an energetic nervous system that plays a vital role in one’s health and well-being. This energy flowing through your body is often referred to by different names, such as qi (chi) in Chinese medicine or prana in Ayurveda and yoga. The awareness and care of your energy body and the endless amounts of energetic exchanges that you give and take throughout the day are essential for maintaining physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual balance.

Here are some key concepts related to energy exchange in the energetic body:

1. Flow of Energy: In many traditional systems, it is believed that energy flows through specific pathways or channels in the body. These pathways are often associated with organs and bodily functions. The smooth flow of energy is considered essential for good health. Here is a chart showing the link between the energy centers and some of the organs in your body.

2. Balance and Blockages of the Chakras: When energy becomes blocked or disrupted in these pathways, it can lead to physical or emotional imbalances and eventually result in illness or discomfort. Practices like reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, massage and yoga are used to release blockages and restore the free flow of energy. You can see some examples of this in the image of physical and emotional results of blocked or stagnant energy centers in the body.

3. Exchange with the Environment: The energetic body interacts with your surrounding environment. For example, we can absorb energy from the natural world, such as sunlight, fresh air, and the Earth itself. Practices like grounding or spending time in nature are thought to help replenish and balance our energy. We can also absorb energy from people around us as well. Have you ever noticed how your mood or physical body can shift in how you are feeling after interactions with other people? This is because of the energetic exchange happening, and so there is a need to be aware of the environments you are surrounding yourself with because of how the energy can affect us.

4. Breath and Prana: Breath is closely connected to the flow of energy. Pranayama, or breath control exercises, are used to manipulate and enhance the flow of prana in the body. Simple breathwork exercises can help you reset your body, and release heaviness you may be feeling, or just bring back your energy.

5. Energy Healing: Some practitioners, like myself, work with energy healing techniques, such as Reiki or therapeutic touch, to help direct and balance the flow of energy in the body. These modalities involve the transfer of healing energy from the practitioner to the recipient. We assess where the stagnant or excess of energy is within the body, and bring you back into a balanced state of flow. Sessions can bring up numerous varying results for clients, but I have seen things from emotional releases, uncovering of traumas, inner child work, life purpose discovery, and just feeling like life is not so heavy. We desire to bring you back to a place of peace, joy and love.

6. Mind-Body Connection: Having an awareness of how the mind can affect your health is beneficial. Not only does the state of one’s mind and emotions have a direct impact on your health but also the flow of energy in the body. Stress, negative emotions, and mental blockages can disrupt energy flow and lead to health issues.

Many people find these practices beneficial for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing their overall sense of well-being. It is important that individuals interested in exploring these deeper should do so with an open mind and heart. This is important for adults and children, and we really want to bring awareness to this as this is a large part of our daily lives. If you are interested in checking out if an energy session may be for you, head over to our site here.
