Why Do I Feel When Something Good Happens Something Bad Happens?

11 · 18 · 24

Do you feel like when something positive happens, you are just peering over your shoulder waiting for something bad to happen?

If you have had experiences like I have had, you may have grown to believe subconsciously that, “only bad things happen to me” or “just when I think things are getting better, something goes wrong” and my favorite that I was always telling myself was “nothing EVER goes right for me!” These subconscious beliefs that you’ve come to learn as your “truth” could have been created through hearing your family, friends, coworkers and other peers say these things (generational patterns/programming, which needs a whole article just for itself) and/or from personal life experiences. Either way you have picked them up, and now it is time to change this, and here’s why…

When you are constantly telling yourself that nothing will go right for you, do you know what you are going to attract?


This is why gaining an awareness of what your subconscious beliefs are is critical to your personal growth journey. We have an exercise in The Healing Experience that can unlock what your hidden or maybe not so hidden subconscious beliefs are, because if we do not know what beliefs we are walking around telling ourselves daily, it can feel like you are stuck on repeat with the things that keep unfolding in your life. This particular belief we are talking about in this blog article has caused you to feel like joy is almost impossible to obtain, or if you do obtain joy, it will only be for a very limited time before someone or something stomps on it.

The truth of the matter is simply that NO ONE can steal your joy, but YOU!

You can feel like others are stealing your joy and this is coming from your ego, who wants to play into being the victim, but this is a subconscious belief that you’ve held up until now. Now, you can let go of needing external validation of your joyful experiences or feelings, and you realize that no one can actually steal your joy. You have allowed people or circumstances to “steal” your joy up until this point because you didn’t have the awareness this was what has been happening up until now. You now come from the empowered perspective that no one has to be excited or joyful about what you are experiencing joy over, but we also stand in our power and do not take on others’ perceptions as our reality. You create your reality! What you believe is what you attract. Focus on yourself, and being in your joy and maybe that means sharing only if you absolutely want to share it, or being more selective about who you share your joy with, because ultimately you don’t even have to share it if you don’t want to. I think that sometimes we feel like we need someone outside of ourselves to see our joy to make it real, but the only validation you need is your own validation. If you share joyful experiences with others, you may still have people who feel they need to share insight, but you are called to stand in your power in these instances and stay strong in your knowing that this brings you joy and it doesn’t matter what anyone thinks other than yourself. Another helpful hint that I’ve learned that I’d love to share with you is sitting with yourself before sharing personal things and asking, “am I sharing this for validation, or am I just sharing because I desire to and it feels joyful in my body?” We want to be choosing to share things from it just feeling good, and not seeking validation.

To my sweet soul family, remember you are the only one who can allow your joy to be stolen from you by giving your power away. It is now time that we stand up and say, “From this day forward, no one will ever be able to steal my joy again.” We came to this Earth to experience joy, peace and love and it is time to start living out that birthright.

Journal Prompts for Self Reflection:

  • How have I previously allowed my joy to be stolen from me? How has that made you feel?
  • What are ways that would allow for more joy to enter into my life?
  • Are the people and environments I am placing myself in bringing me joy?
  • Write a forgiveness letter to yourself for the times you have allowed your joy to be dimmed by external circumstances.
  • What subconscious beliefs do I hold when it comes to joy?

Wanting to dive further into your subconscious?? There are three beautiful resources I would like to share with you beyond the journal prompts above.
1. Empower Your Mind, Body & Soul: Empowerment Journal – which is a journal with a collection of channeled messages from God/Source/Creator to leave you feeling empowered and breakthrough emotions, generational patterns, and subconscious beliefs that have left you feeling less than up until now. It is meant to inspire you and bring awareness to the beautiful gifts you share with the world.
2. Healing Your Inner Child: A Journey of Self Discovery and Reflection: A journal diving into how your child self may have had to do what they needed to do to survive through childhood, but now it is time to heal from this and learn the truth of who we are and step into being your authentic self. This journal is meant to help you uncover the subconscious beliefs you have held from early childhood and then reprogram those beliefs that are no longer serving you into the truth of your being.
3. The Healing Experience: is a space where souls come to heal, learn, grow and evolve together, so that we can step into our purpose as a child of the Creator. We are a collective of souls who have always known they are meant to do more here, have gone through most likely some difficult experiences as many lightworkers and healers do, and just see things differently than what society does. This course has a library of over 50 resource videos, and a healing collective chat for connection and support. This was all designed to support you in your journey to stepping into the most authentic version of yourself.

Thank you for being here. You are amazing. Keep shining your light brightly!
Until next time,
Brooke Danielle
